If you are looking for a way to find out if you have any ancestors that are listed in the DAR, here’s my method. This is for those who have at least a part of a family tree done.

I start with one browser with my Ancestry tree open or whatever form you have your tree. I am specifically after the branches that contain ancestors born in the 1700’s. When I click an arrow next to a name, their branch opens like in this photo. Now I have column of people born in 1700’s.

As only men are listed in the DAR, I can now take each male name and pop them into the DAR Ancestor Search.

I open a second browser and go to the DAR. I want to choose the Ancestor button and you should find yourself at a page that looks like this one below.

Now take a name from your ancestry tree and add it to the DAR search. You only need the first and last names, adding the state will narrow the search but also limit it if you aren’t sure where they lived at the time. If the ancestor is already listed in the DAR as a qualified ancestor the information below will come up including an ancestor number. You will be able to compare birth and death and location to be sure it is your ancestor. You want to copy out this information as this is your DAR ancestor. You can see the Ancestor #.

If you click on that red icon next to your ancestors name, you will see the list of descended relatives who joined DAR under this person.

You can click on their red icon and even purchase their lineage. Doing this will complete a part of your work as the lineage is already qualified, then just add your specific branches. The lineages will vary in length deepening on when the person joined and how far down the descended tree branch they are.

Purchasing a copy of the lineage is also a great way to help with genealogy as any information here has been officially verified.

I hope this helps. It doesn’t cover all the aspects of the DAAR website. My hope is that it helps you know how to search your ancestors to see who is already listed.

Thanks for reading!

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