Quincy, March 20th, 1864

Dear Sister,

I received a letter from you last Friday night and should have answered it before, but I have been very busy. I am fixing the baby’s short clothes, and Mamie’s clothes for warm weather, so I have enough to keep me at work when I have time. We are all well. It has been quite warm and pleasant today and Mamie has been out in the yard considerable. This afternoon Mrs. Jameson called here and staid sometime, and after she went away I took Mamie and Alice and went out to walk. The baby rode in her carriage and likes it jirstrate (?) Mamie thought she helped me draw her, because she took hold of the handle of the carriage and was quite pleased about it. Mrs. Jameson is going to move into Boston this next month, she is going to live on Harvard Place it leads off of Washington street below the Boylston Market. She invited me to call and see her when I came into the city. Julia Grey was gone to Waltham to work there are a number of girls from Quincy gone there to work in a factory. where they make spool cotton, They have five dollars by the week and get boarded for $1.65 a week in the factory boarding house. Those who work by the week earn more so I should think Julia might make very good wages. Mrs. Drake and Frank’s wife called here last week but as ill luck would have it. I was not at home but they said they should come in again before long, Mrs. Drake said she had got ____(?) for long. She thought she would make an effort and come it (?) I am glad they did for I shall feel now as though I could go in there if I want to. You left your black purse down here I didn’t know but you might think you had lost it. I found it on the whatnot. I want you to send me down a little pattern of your new dress, Emily thinks of getting one similar to it. You said Mrs. Leathe was going to move but did not tell me where but I must close. John is getting late.

Give my love to all and write soon,

Yours, C.L. Page

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