Planning trips to find Ancestral places, I looked over my Grandfathers line. My Grandfather’s Mom was Laura Whitman, her father was Alfred Whitman from Charles Whitman.All from Abington but from there we have a line of Nicholas and Elijahs all from Bridgewater, Mass. All of whom married women from the same town.
Exploring Bridgewater history, I read that the Whitman family built and owned the Whitman mill. It may be still standing.It’s fun to find a grandparents home but even more fun to find a business or landmark. As the Whitman men married woman from the same town, I can also investigate their lines and see how many old homes and places I can photograph that are of ancestral importance.
Bridgewater always felt like home to me, maybe this is why. I just might have the most ancestors from there than any other town.
In researching I’m lucky in the fact that my ancestors did not really travel so much. They came from England, mostly and stayed pretty much where they landed, often in the same county. Moving to Vermont, I have traveled the most, at least within these Unites States.
Me> Ruth Balentine>Alfred Balentine>Laura Whitman>Charles Whitman>Elijah Whitman> Nicholas Whitman> Nicholas Whitman> Thomas Whitman> John Whitman (the immigrant).
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